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Museums in Presteigne

Wales, United Kingdom

Presteigne, a picturesque town in Powys, Wales, offers visitors a selection of museums that provide insight into the local history and culture.

1. The Judge's Lodging Museum

Located in the former judge's residence, this museum provides a vivid impression of life in the Victorian era. Visitors can explore the judge's opulent living quarters as well as the more modest accommodations of the servants. The museum offers interactive exhibitions that bring the historic atmosphere to life.

2. Shire Hall

The Shire Hall, a neoclassical building from 1829, now houses a museum and library. The well-preserved courtroom architecture provides a glimpse into the legal history of the region. The building is a Grade II* listed structure and a significant historical landmark of Presteigne.

These museums offer a comprehensive insight into the history and culture of Presteigne and are highly recommended for tourists interested in local history.